Because of the finished work of Jesus at the cross. today, you can come boldly to your heavenly Father's throne of grace with your cares and obtain mercy in your time of need (see Hebrews 4:16)! We invite you to submit your prayer request using the form. Our prayer teams are on standby to agree and pray with you and your loved ones. No matter what you may be going through today, remember that Jesus' love for you never fails!
We value the confidence and trust you have placed in Miracle Centre Assemblies of God by sharing your prayer requests with us. We make every effort to give a personal reply to all inquires coming in to our offices.
We want to be a church family that is moving in the direction of extravagant generosity. For many of us growing in generosity has seen us move from giving occasionally – to regularly – to tithing (giving 10%) and to giving sacrificially. Why not join us on that Giving Journey as you feel God stirring your own heart?

Prayer requests are given to our staff to be lifted up to the Lord. It is our policy to treat prayer requests with the utmost respect, discretion and privacy. We will not share your personal contact information with any third party.
Send in Your Prayer Request

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