Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.
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    Working Hours : Sun-monday, 09am-5pm
    Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
    Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.
    Need Any Help? Or Looking For an Agent

      Working Hours : Sun-monday, 09am-5pm
      Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
      Miracle Centre Assemblies of God
      Join Us Anytime

      Join in this virtual fellowship as you hear the Word and experience God's uplifting power from your home, workplace or anywhere you find yourself.

      Miracle Centre Assemblies of God
      Listen to weekly sermons

      These are sermons preached at Miracle Centre Assemblies of God UK which you can listen to by streaming from this page or downloading the audio file to your device for later listening. The audio files are mostly live recordings of the sermon when delivered; in a few cases where a live recording was not possible, a machine-generated audio file is available to assist those who prefer listening to reading.

      Miracle Centre Assemblies of God
      It's not ok to miss church. Catch Up!

      Why not catch up on some of the Sermons you might have missed.There are sermons from members of the clergy team and from our Authorised Lay Preacher. We hope you enjoy listening to these video sermons from our meetings, and they encourage you; helping to build your faith.

      Welcome to the Live Streaming Page of Miracle Centre Assemblies of God Church! We are thrilled to provide a platform where you can worship, pray, and hear the Word of God no matter where you are. In a world where staying connected can sometimes be challenging, our live streaming services ensure that you remain spiritually nourished and uplifted. Through live streaming, you can join us in worship, prayer, and hearing the Word of God from the comfort of your home or on the go. We are excited to bring our spirit-filled services to you, wherever you are in the world. 

      In a perfect world, we would love to have everyone in church to experience the fellowship as we worship together. We understand life is busy, children get sick, cars breakdown, illness and other circumstances may set in and it isn't always possible to make it into church. But you don't have to miss out.
      That is why we offer the option to view our various services via live streaming.

      Just visit our Live Stream Page to view our sermons in real-time. Join in this virtual fellowship as you hear the Word and experience God's uplifting power from your home, workplace or anywhere you find yourself. If you are unable to be with us in person on any of our service hours, we invite you to watch us live right here! That is why we offer the option to view our various services via live streaming.

      Give to Support MCAG

      We want to be a church family that is moving in the direction of extravagant generosity. For many of us growing in generosity has seen us move from giving occasionally – to regularly – to tithing (giving 10%) and to giving sacrificially.

      Watch us live

      Click below to join us live now and experience the power of God in your life!

      Experience the power of God’s presence and stay connected to our church family by tuning in to our live services.

      Live Streaming Schedule

      • Sunday Worship Service: [Insert Time and Time Zone]
      • Midweek Prayer & Bible Study: [Insert Time and Time Zone]
      • Special Events and Programs: Announced via our social media channels

      How to Watch

      • Here on Our Website – Stream directly on this page by clicking the “Play” button below during live broadcasts.
      • YouTube Channel: [Insert Link]
      • Facebook Live: [Insert Link]

      Stay Connected

      Don’t miss a moment of our dynamic services!

      Support Our Ministry

      We want to be a church family that is moving in the direction of extravagant generosity. For many of us growing in generosity has seen us move from giving occasionally – to regularly – to tithing (giving 10%) and to giving sacrificially. 

      Your generosity helps us continue to share the message of Christ through online platforms. To partner with us in this mission, please consider making a donation.

      Testimonies and Prayer Requests

      We’d love to hear how God is working in your life through our live streaming services. Share your testimony or send us your prayer requests at Our prayer team is ready to intercede on your behalf.

      “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.”
