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      Dear congregation, as we reflect on the recent Easter celebrations, we often contemplate the profound significance of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection for the salvation of mankind. However, amidst the grandeur of this divine event, there lies a deeper mystery—a revelation of the default setting, the factory setting, if you will, of humanity. Today, let us delve into the essence of this truth as we explore “The Default Will: The Identity of Man.”


      God’s Creative Utterance:

      In the grand tapestry of creation, God spoke all into existence. With His omnipotent Word, He fashioned the cosmos into being—bringing forth the seas teeming with life, the skies adorned with birds, and every living creature upon the earth. Yet, when it came to the creation of humanity, God engaged in a unique dialogue within Himself, within the Trinity. He purposed not merely to craft a physical form but to imbue man with His own image and likeness.


      Man: A Reflection of Divinity:

      As we peer into the depths of Scripture, we encounter the profound truth articulated by the Psalmist David: “You made man only a little lower than God, crowned him with glory and honor, and gave him charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority” (Psalm 8:5). In this revelation, we find the essence of our identity—we are fashioned in the image of the Divine.

      Unlike plants and animals, which lack the capacity for spiritual communion, humanity stands as a bridge between the material and the divine. We are endowed with the ability to fellowship with God in spirit and truth, reflecting His nature in our very essence.

      The Revelation of the Son:

      Central to understanding our identity is the recognition of Jesus Christ, the embodiment of Truth and Life. As Christ Himself declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). In Christ, we find not only the path to salvation but also the revelation of our true identity.

      Sin and Separation:

      Yet, the tragic consequence of sin marred this divine image within us. As the Apostle Paul lamented, “by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Romans 5:12). In yielding to sin, humanity severed the intimate communion with our Creator, plunging into spiritual death.


      Restoration and Dominion:

      But behold, through the redemptive work of Christ, we are offered restoration to our default state—our true identity as reflections of God’s glory. As heirs of salvation, we are called to reclaim our dominion over the earth, to rule and reign as stewards of creation. Yet, God’s plan for humanity includes not only bearing His image but also reflecting His likeness in character and qualities. As Hebrews 2:5–9 illustrates, humanity was placed in charge of God’s creation, given authority over the earth. This dominion is not a mere title but a responsibility to steward God’s creation in alignment with His will. Just as Adam named the creatures of the earth, signifying authority and relationship, we are called to exercise authority over every aspect of creation, including poverty, sickness, and disease.

      Dominion, however, is not a mere exercise of power but a sacred trust bestowed upon us by our Creator. Just as Adam named the creatures of the earth, so too are we called to exercise authority with wisdom and humility. In naming and nurturing creation, we manifest the divine likeness within us, guiding all things back to their intended purpose in God.



      Dear friends, as we depart from this sanctuary today, let us carry with us the profound truth of our identity—the default will ingrained within us since the dawn of creation. May we walk in the fullness of our divine image, reflecting the glory of our Heavenly Father in all that we do. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ empower us to reclaim our rightful dominion over the earth, ushering in the Kingdom of God here and now. Amen.















      e and power, bringing transformation to a world in need. Amen.

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