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We are a Pentecostal denomination that has been serving the people since its existence.We believe that Jesus is still working in His church through the power of His Spirit to change people's lives for the better. MCAG-UK started in Tottenham which is the head quarters church and currently has branches in Edmonton, Barking, Northolt and Bedford.
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Without unity we can not reach our goal. In our teaching, we hammer on the attitude that promotes unity in the church. It is only unity that will take us through to the end.
Scriptural focus:
Philippians 2:1-5
Our focus scripture entreats us to have the Christ-like attitude. What does unity in the church means? It isn’t about us loving the same meal, supporting the same team…
The body of Christ need nurturing. Christ is coming soon and there’s not unity in the church, people with the same purpose and goal; then the purpose for which he came to the earth was not realized.
Christ commissioned us as Christian’s to be one as he was or is with the Father in John 17:22.
There are many Attitudes, but in our sermon today, we will address three attitudes. Namely; Humility, Love and Forgiveness.
Humility – in Phil 2:4, the Bible inspires us to not seek only our own interest, but others as well. We should not look down on others. We should respect and honor one another; seeking the interest of others. For us to reach out to others, we must humble ourselves. We need to submit to authority.
Irrespective o f your position, Humility is a prime attitude of a Christian as Christ exhibited as he was one with God, the father. Without humility, one walks in isolation.
Paul admonishes the Philippians to consider other better than themselves.
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